Whole Wheat Cherry Muffins or Whole Wheat Blueberry Muffins
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup white flour
1/8 to 1/4 sugar (or you can use honey)
4 teaspoons baking powder
About 2 Tablespoons canola or vegtable oil
2 eggs
About 1 cup milk. If you use white flour only use less milk
Combine ingredients (don't mix too much).
Put cherries or blueberries into muffin cups. I use frozen cherries as I don't usually have fresh cherries around.
If you want to put blueberries in put in as many as you want into the batter before putting into the muffin pans.
Put into well greased muffin pans, should make about 12 muffins.
Bake 450 degrees for 15 minutes.
Venison Stew or Beef Stew
Brown Venison (or beef) in large pan, add garlic and cook until brown
1 quart tomatoes
A few carrots chopped
A few potatoes chopped
More garlic chopped
Fresh sage (or dried if you don't have fresh)
1/4 teaspoon cayanne pepper (you may use more or less according to taste
Water, fill up to about 2/3 of pan after putting everything in. Water is important as you need to cook the vegtables. I let my stew cook for several hours on low simmer with lid on or until done.
If you want salt you may put it in but I don't salt my food when cooking as usually people will put salt in even before tasting and I don't like a lot of salt in my food. I would rather use herbs.
Throw in any other vegtables you want, it's your stew. If you do put in peas wait until right before serving and pot in briefly so they don't overcook.
If you have any leftover gravy or drippings from a roast also include it in also.