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Monday, September 16, 2013

Shoe floor Mat

I wish I could take credit for this wonderful and simple idea but not so.  I love this easy and functional way for wet and muddy shoes.

          I live in a canyon where there is clay.  If any of you have ever been around clay you will realize when it is wet the more you walk in it the taller you get as it sticks to the bottom of your shoes. 

I have an assortment of mud boots; I decided if I was going to live here I might as well embrace the idea and enjoy it with fun boots.  I even have marvel comic boots and since I bought my daughter a pair she doesn’t complain about the mud and just wears her boots.

 The problem is when shoes and boots are dirty I have a hard time keeping the mud off the floor inside the door. 

          Take a large cookie sheet and put it in an area right by the door.  Go out and gather your rocks, any kind will do and fill it up with rocks.  When it gets too dirty just take it outside put the rocks on a screen and wash it off with a hose. 

          I JUST LOVE THIS!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Who really needs Sunday?

            There is the age old question, Sunday you should rest, it is a commandment from way back, people would get stoned to death in some places for “working” on Sunday. 
            I have found whenever I go out on Sunday people are not as pleasant, the clerks are more sharp and the mood is negative.  I have noticed that I don’t get the enjoyment I normally have when shopping during the week so the experience is not very good.
 Next time you go out shopping on Sunday see if you notice a difference in yourself and others, I mean really put yourself out there and observe.  Keep in mind if you are out shopping you are making someone else work on that day so they don’t get to rest.
            I have also realized if I don’t rest on Sunday the rest of the week I am more tired and the week doesn’t go as well.  Take a Sunday and rest, I don’t mean just lay around all day although that might be something you need, and if it is do it.  I am saying don’t mow the lawn or clean the house but relax that day, spend it with your family, reading something uplifting, meditating or go to church.  Maybe you just want to make some plans and look at your life in a different perspective.   Then notice how the rest of your week goes, I think you will be pleasantly surprised how much better you feel and how much more you are able to accomplish.
           Sunday is important for me; I work very hard and need the “break” from my everyday schedule.  Try it for a month, you should notice a difference and accomplish more the rest of the week..   

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Peanut butter Smoothie

I use dried egg powder in my smoothies often, but peanut butter gives it protein.

My husband broke his leg a couple of years ago.  The morning he broke his leg he came in the house with an armful of wood and told me “This is the last of the dry wood, I will be home later to get some more.”  In others words - the wood was frozen outside under ice and he would have to dig it out then chop it up.

He called me at three o’clock that afternoon to let me know he broke his leg and to come get him.  It was still winter and we heat our home with wood so I spent the next few months doing all the wood cutting and hauling.  It was a very wet winter and I did a great deal of physical work.  (I did get looking better as I was in pretty good shape by the end of the wood season.)

If you are wondering where this story is going, it is that I was doing so much physical labor I craved peanut butter.  I had peanut butter a couple of times a day.  

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Craft paint for Kids

Who doesn’t remember in grade school finger painting those beautiful pictures?  Well here is some homemade craft paint for kids that you can make and put in those leftover kitchen bottles (I am now saving.) 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Homemade Ant Killer

I don’t know about you but I hate ants.  They have invaded and can get in about anywhere.  I try to keep things clean but they find things left behind by the kids or anything dropped and missed.  This is a way to get them and also the nest from where they came.


     1 cup sugar

     3 Tablespoons Boric Acid

3     Cups Warm Water


1.     Mix the sugar and Boric Acid together – Mix well.

2.   Add the warm water slowly; mixing so it won’t be lumpy.

3.   Store in a glass jar with a lid away from children.

4.   When ready to use, put cotton into the top of a jar lid to fill it, and then saturate the cotton to the top.

5.   Place it where you want to get rid of the ants, make more than one if you need them.

6.   This will keep for a long while.

7.   It is best to drip a drop or two over the edge of the lid and on the counter so the ants can be sure and find it, be sure if you have ants they will find it.

8.   Let the ants alone, you want them to drink and take it back to their nest, don’t kill them, and let them eat it and go back and kill the others with your potion.40

9.   You will notice a difference in your ant population right away.
