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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Now that you are about done with your Christmas shopping, what is next?

The gift of Charity

  For all of those who took my advice you should be about ready to wrap up the gifts you have been buying for the last few months.  Now is the time to wrap them and start the decorating the house if you already haven’t. 

The gift buying should have been a good experience since you weren’t hurried and were able to find that perfect gift at a good price.  Well if this isn’t the case for you then there is still plenty of time to enjoy the season.  With all the sales in the stores you should be able to find something you think they will be pleased with.  If not, make them something.  Everyone loves cookies or some homemade candy nuts.  Don’t overspend beyond your budget - that takes all the fun out of the Holidays, instead give of yourself.  Maybe they need help washing the windows or cleaning the house or garage.  Helping to organize, any of these things are something that will be appreciated more than a bought present. 

Don’t forget that charity is the greatest gift you can give. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Old Fashioned Toys Made In America


Old fashioned toys made in America

Remember the old fashioned airplanes with a rubber band wind up propeller or jacks and pickup sticks?  Today kids sit on the coach staring at the television playing video for hours.

There is a place you can find spinning sky tops, airplanes with wind up propellers and glider airplanes.  Old fashioned jumbo jacks with rubber balls, rubber hoppy taws for playing hopscotch, wooden pickup sticks, marbles with a bag to hold them, tops and other old fashioned toys all made in America. 

Check them out and you will be pleasantly surprised at the Old Fashioned Toys all made in America.

Saturday, November 16, 2013



            Now we bring up the age old question, what Christmas stocking should I make or buy?  That all depends on you and what time and talents you have, I am sure we all have the talents, but do we have the time?

            There are millions of the made in China Christmas stockings out there, but do you really want a Christmas stocking made in China?  It is not like it is something that will wear out or go out of style.  If you are going to get a Christmas stocking get one that you will enjoy for a lifetime.

            When I look at my Christmas stocking I want to know it is Made in America, that it is something I enjoy looking at and am proud of. 

            The other day I spoke with someone who said she doesn’t buy things from China because she wants her children to have jobs when they grow up.  I have to agree with her.  I am not saying I don’t have things around the house that aren’t made in America but I am becoming more aware of where my purchases originate from.  I used to buy fisher price toys for my kids but I stay away from them now, I want old fashioned toys from my own country.

            Enjoy your Christmas as now is the time to think about starting to decorate for the Holidays.  Be careful of what you wish for – make sure it is MADE IN AMERICA!