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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How To Get The Perfect French Manicure!



  • 1 rubber band (Anna’s tip: thicker, flat rubber bands work best)
  • Light pink base coat
  • White nail polish
  • Clear top coat


1.     Polish nails with base coat, base color (like ballet slipper pink for a classic French manicure). Let dry.

2.     Tie the rubber band into a knot.

3.     Slip one loop onto your thumb to anchor it in place.

4.     Slip the other loop on the nail you’re polishing, making sure it lays flat on the surface of the nail. The band is pliable so shape it to a slight half moon that follows the contour of your nail shape.

5.     With white polish (for French), paint the tip of the nail – either straight across or in small strokes outward from the rubber band. Apply as thinly as possible.

6.     Remove the rubber band carefully, before the polish dries. (You risk smudging the edge if you leave the rubber band on and it moves slightly with hand motions.)

7.     Let dry.

8.     Top it generously with a topcoat – it will blur any small imperfections on the surface and will even out the ridge between your base pink and the white!

This tip is especially helpful to gain more control when you are painting with your non-dominant hand. And it doesn’t only work for French manicures – it’s great for nail art (even French manicures with two different shades of polish for instance) and negative space manis, too. It’s also great for touching up a French manicure you already have if it starts to chip.