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Wednesday, June 26, 2013



            I am sick of ants, catnip is a good way to discourage ants but for some reason this year the ants are on a war path to my house.

          They are in my kitchen although I work on keeping the counters clean, everywhere I look the ants are there foraging, even the dog dish isn't safe.  Ants are all over the house this year, maybe because it is so dry?  I don’t know why but there was even a herd, (if you want to call them a herd) of ants marching up my dirt road to the house.  My husband said he had never seen anything like it before. 

          I love my Clorox clean- up cleaner with bleach; I buy it at Costco and get the small bottle with a gallon backup.  I use it all the time and find it works quite well with the ant problem.  When I see ants on the counter I spray it on the ants wipe it up and spray a little and leave it, it seems to keep them at bay. 

          If you know where they are coming in 20 MULE TEAM BORAX works well.  I saw a line of tiny ants coming in my kitchen window and put some on the window seal and it stopped the problem but they found another way in so I use the Clorox spray when I don’t know where they are coming from.
      Mix two tablespoons of borax with jam, jelly, honey or syrup until there is a paste. Smear some on some paper or a plate and put it where the ants are at. They should flock to it and eat it and take it back to the nest and it will act as a natural ant killer.

Sugar Bait

2 TBS Boric Acid (Borax)
2 TBS  Black Strap Molasses or Honey
1 TBS Yeast
1 TBS Sugar

Mix and place mounds on lids or bottle caps.

Black Pepper

Sprinkle black pepper where you see ants. The ants will immediately scatter. Pay attention to where they run; chances are they will be exiting your house and you’ll be able to treat the entry area with pepper too.

Mint destroys the smelling capabilities of ants and prevents them from entering your home. There are several ways to use mint to prevent ant infestations. First, plant mint around your home, especially near doors and close to areas where you have seen anthills. Second, place mint leaves in and around windows. If ants are entering your pantry, place some mint leaves on the shelves and in the corners.  mix mint oil and water in a spray bottle and spray where Ants are to deter and repel them  
mix this with cinnamon and they will not come in
this also repel Roaches and Ticks and Fleas too
Corn Starch Honey 

 Mix 2 tsp Cornstarch and  1 tsp honey together   to make a thick paste and put it   where the ants visit  on a jar lid or bottle cap   put it near nests  or where they visit and you see them

the ants will be drawn to it by the honey  but unable to digest the cornstarch but they will not know that until they take it back to the colony and  it infects the whole colony 

 Just be careful you don’t use it on something that can be hurt by the Clorox cleaner.


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