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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Planting Squash - Radishes are their friends


I have planted my squash and have visions of zucchini bread, squash soups, squash pies (not just pumpkin) and squash fried with tomatoes and onions.  I am ready but my squash isn’t.

          The first year I planted squash on the ranch we hadn’t even moved here yet so we planted our seeds and came back and watered them.  They grew into these beautiful squash plants, I was so excited.  The next time I came to tend to them they were all eaten down by the rabbits or whoever happened to be there at the time.  I declared war on the thieves and brought some dried blood (yes I said dried blood) you may buy it at a nursery, it comes in bags.  I sprinkled the dried blood around my squash plants and after that no one bothered them, I had some really nice squash.  The dried blood was probably good fertilizer.

          If you plant two to three radishes in each hill they will help prevent insects on squash and cucumbers.  Let the radishes grow and go to seed.  Nasturtiums and cigarette butts will repel squash bugs; if you don’t smoke I suppose you may get it from someone who does.

          Early in the day before the sun is hot the squash stinkbugs are sluggish and can be picked off. 

          Good luck and enjoy your zucchini bread!


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