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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Canning Raspberry Jam

Raspberry jam

Spring is here and around the corner will come the berries.  This is the Raspberry jam recipe I use.  One thing that I always suggest is to check with your local Farm Bureau agency to get recipes for canning and drying for your area.
Remember you can skip the wax and put canning lids on your jars and cold pack them for a few minutes to make sure they seal.
  If you decide to put your jam in the local county fair you might want to skip the wax as some judges dock points for putting wax on your jam.

Raspberry Jam
Prepare your jars and lids the same as the apricot jam recipe. Wash your raspberries (ants seem to love raspberries). If you have currents or other types of berries these help the raspberries go farther and make a wonderful mixture of berries.
I put my raspberries in a large measuring cup a little at a time and barely crush with a potato masher. I want to just make sure they are broke down but not liquid. When you have measured out 5 cups of crushed berries put in canning pan and add 1 package of pectin, Ball and Kerr both have a good pectin or you may buy the liquid type. I usually double my bath even though they say not to, cuts down on the time for me which is very valuable.
Bring raspberries and pectin to a boil over low to medium heat.
After the mixture starts to boil you add your sugar. Have your sugar premeasured and ready to pour in. It makes the process go smoothly. The Ball pectin recipe calls for 7 cups of sugar, I use only 5 cups and that seems more then enough for me. You have to cook the jam longer but I like my jam a little runny, as I said with the apricot jam recipe, I don't like my jam to be cement.
When the raspberries come to a boil again (keep on low to medium heat) and make sure you stir it so it doesn't stick to the bottom and burn. Boil until it has thickened to the consistency of where when you drop it out of a wooden spoon it comes on with a little thickness, not runny. To me it reminds me of a bad case of cellulite (sorry about the description but the best I can do without showing you in person).
Ladle into jars like I have described above in the apricot jam recipe, put on wax if you desire, wash the rim and put on caps and lids. Let sit for 24 hours before washing and labeling. I like to label on the lid instead of the jar so I can just throw my lid away and not have to scrub the labels off the jars next year. The least amount of work when I am canning the better!!
We are not responsible for any recipe or food problems you may incur while canning. This is a recipe I use, you may try it if you like but I am not responsible for any damage or problems you encounter while canning, this is just a recipe that has been working for me for many years.
Homemade Raspberry and Apricot Jam
jars and wax ready to put on jam
Jars lids and wax for making jam.
I organize my jars, double burner for wax, canning lids in covered pot with boiling (simmering) hot water to sterilize them also. When the jam is ready, so are all the other things.
putting wax on jars
Putting Wax on Jars
I use about 3 tablespoons of wax per jar. You might have a better way to do it, I just use an old tablespoon.

You can never be too careful with wax. Always use a double boiler when heating wax, never put it directly on the heat. It will get hot and start on fire. Also never put hot wax in water, it can explode and cause severe burns. 

          Always keep handles away from where children can reach, you wouldn't want them to knock over hot pans and burn themselves. This stuff is hot and can cause severe burns. With care you can have a wonderful time and enjoy the fruits of your labor throughout the year. Read instructions on wax packaging.

Caution: Wax will ignite if overheated or exposed to open flame. To avoid danger and to preserve the quality of the wax, always check instructions on the wax you buy. Never put wax in pan directly over heat, preferably use a double boiler.

The steam from the water bath can also cause bad burns.

This is supposed to be a good experience so always take precautions with yourself and especially when children are around, keep them away from hot pans and syrup..

Never throw hot or burning wax in water, it will explode! I repeat,

I repeat


If you don't want to use wax, when jam is done put jam in canning jars, adjust lids and boil in a water bath. Bring to a boil and let boil in canner for 10 minutes. Cool for 5 minutes, open lid and cool again before taking out bottles. I let my bottles cool some before taking out of the bath then put on a clean towel and cover with a towel. Let set at least a day before labeling and putting away. I always put my labels on the lid so when I want to reuse the bottles I don't have to scrape labels off the jars.




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