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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Going Green

Perhaps I started out at a very young age thinking green.
  In the 20th century they didn't consider it going green, it was called mowing the lawn. 
As I grew older I still used the old push lawn mower to mow the lawn much to my sons distress.  We were the only people on the block, perhaps the whole town who didn't have a power mower.  When it was time to mow the lawn we got out our push lawn mower.  If I had lived in a gated community I could have started as early or gone as late as I wanted because there was no loud roar of the mower, only a quiet whirl as the blades went around. 
 Perhaps my lawns were not quite as manicured as the neighbors, but they were green.  I would always do a good base of manure, saw dust and anything available at the time before I planted grass or laid sod so I didn't need to water as often.  I would water ever few days a good watering and have a good lawn with deep roots.
I still mow my lawn with a push lawn mower, but not in my dress and good shoes.  Just be sure and oil it good before you start!

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