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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Early Christmas Present Buying

I have started searching for Christmas presents.  As I go out shopping I have been on the hunt for that special something for someone on my Christmas list.  So far it has been going quite well.  I have found a few things that will be a nice surprise for some people on my list.  Some of the things have been on sale and others a good buy.  Keep in mind its not how much you spend but what you buy.  I don't spend a lot of money on any present, I just don't have that much to spend and even if I did it wouldn't guarantee something they would like.

            The hard part is making sure you put them away and not give them early.  Christmas is not that far off so keep reminding yourself of that as you shop.  This year I am going to make sure I have most of my presents purchased before December.  Keep in mind I don’t buy expensive presents but they are certainly things that I feel are something they want or can use, that is the advantage of buying early, you don’t feel pressured to buy just anything.

            For some of you it is shopping for school clothes time.  Many don’t have the money for a lot of school clothes let alone Christmas presents.  Don’t feel stressed because you haven’t been able to start early.  The reason I recommend buying early is to relieve stress not increase it.  There are some stores where you are able to lay away items so if you find something you want to give for Christmas lay it away and pay on it a little at a time.  

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