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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Old Fashioned Jacks


            I remember I used to play with jacks for hours and I was really pretty good at it.  Pigs in the blanket, horse in the stable, over the jump, games we played with jacks.  My girlfriends or my sister would play with me each wanting to win. 
            I was at a Christmas bazaar a while ago when a women came over and started playing jacks and announced she was the queen of jacks.  Shortly after she left another women came over and started playing with the jacks and told me she was the best at jacks.  I told her the queen of jacks was just here and she then wanted to challenge her. 

            I hadn’t played jacks for many years and the first few times I started playing I was amazed at how uncoordinated I was but alas just like riding a bike I got back on and am now back into the game of jacks. 

            I think it is very good for all ages; it helps with your eye and hand coordination.

            I went to buy some jacks one day and all I could find was some cheaply made “Made in China” jacks.  I wanted made in America jacks.  I searched until I found some old fashioned jacks like I used to have with heavy duty jacks and rubber balls.

            If you want to play some fun jacks like the old fashioned ones we used to have you can find them at http://www.stitchthrutime.com/Old_Fashioned_Toys.html along with other made in American Old Fashioned Toys.

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