Planting Peas - Peas don't like Onions!
It is time to plant peas in if you haven't already put them in the dirt, if you are unsure about your area check with the local farm bureau. There are a few guidelines I follow when planting my peas (and other plants).
Plants like animals and people have other plants they don't like and some they really like. If you are going to go to all the trouble to buy seeds, plant them, weed them and water them it is best to make sure they are surrounded by others they like and get along with well.
Peas grow sell with carrots (carrot roots contain an exudate beneficial to the grown of peas), peas do well with turnips, radishes, cucumbers, corn beans and potatoes, and many aromatic herbs. Peas planted near turnips do well together.
Peas do not like (or grow well) with onions, shallots, gladiolus, garlic (all alliums inhibit the growth of peas and beans).
If you put wood ash around the base of pea vines it helps to control aphids.
If you want to plant caraway seed, sow it with a crop of peas.
Just a few of the guidelines I go by when planting my peas. I will keep you updated as I plant my garden and let you know what plants I don't get along.
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